The old, mechanical ways of manifesting are slowly falling away, an approach rooted in practices such as; visualization, reciting mantras and repeating affirmations. 

Many of us are waking up to the realization that this approach has one significant flaw: a temporary change in your frequency delivers temporary changes in your reality.

We are embarking on an era of manifestation that requires us to step out of the old approach to creating the life we want and step into the quantum power that we hold as sovereign beings.

A Sovereign Creator has the greatest level of personal power & uses it without limitation.

She is simultaneously focused and surrendered in her manifestations...fully aligned to her highest timeline.

To access this level of creative power, we will work together for 4 weeks to help you create the life you truly desire for yourself by…

  • Getting clear on exactly what is blocking you from stepping into and staying in your personal power + healing your blocks at a core level
  • Identifying the truth of who you really are and what you really want so that you can create a life you truly love 
  • Connecting with your soul on a deep level so that you find the alignment you've been craving and manifest your dreams from a powerful and grounded place


No more settling, no more second best, and no more “good enough” energy…it’s time to let that go so we can call in the life you’ve always wanted.


What I've found in my own life is that most of us have walked away from our deepest truth.

Why? For so many reasons.

We are afraid of disappointing others. 

We don’t believe we are worthy of living the life of our dreams. 

We doubt our capacity to call it forward or hold onto it. 

We believe this level of fulfillment isn’t tangible…not for us.  

The truth is… most of us are afraid to step into the fullness of our power.

Instead we choose to live a life that is “good enough”... it’s close, but not quite our dream life. 

And when we pause and really look at this, we will find that the further we move away from our soul's truth and our deepest values, the less fulfilling life becomes.

If we do not have the connections that we truly desire…

The intimacy that we truly desire…

And if we don't have the impact that we were put on this earth to have…

we cannot not feel truly fulfilled.

Creating the life you want for yourself in EVERY WAY is possible. 

The most powerful pathway to manifesting your dream life QUICKLY, EFFORTLESSLY + CONSISTENTLY is by aligning with your divine essence and sovereign power.

It is so FREEING + FULFILLING to finally step into what your soul truly values, and let go of what you’ve been conditioned to think you want. 


If you haven’t done this work yet, there is a version of you that you have not yet met. 

  • This version of you is powerful beyond measure.
  • She is HEALED from past traumas and wounds.
  • She stands firmly in her truth.
  • She is unwavering in her mission.
  • She holds a frequency of undeniable power + magnetic surrender.

Your soul knows that this version already exists. 

Are you ready to tap into the potency of this energy?

If you desire something different for yourself, even if it’s a whisper

Join me inside The Sovereign Creator   $1111

 Over a period of 8 momentum building sessions we will work through the following…

  • Getting clear on the internal blocks that have been standing in the way of you stepping into your personal power
  • Healing those blocks at the deepest level of your subconscious so that you can create lasting changes in your life
  • Identifying the truth of who you are so that you can take congruent action toward creating a life that is alignment with your authentic self
  • Connecting with your soul at the deepest level so that you can manifest from your greatest power 
  • Real-time mentorship from Dr. Shyamala, with practical guidance, so that we can work through your questions and roadblocks together in a shared goal; creating the life of your dreams on every level; relationships, career and personal fulfillment  

Our Time Together Begins on October 1st 

We will spend 8 sessions together over a 4-week period.

Because my work is highly practical, we will have a mix of Lessons and Practicals. 

Inside our Lessons, you will learn the concepts you need to create lasting change. These concepts are rooted in quantum physics, success psychology, the science of manifestation and energetics. 

Inside our Practicals, you will begin to embody these key concepts on an energetic level. Come to our practical sessions with anything you need support with and coaching around and you will receive real-time mentorship.

During our time together, we will work through these 3 integral processes that are necessary in order to co-create your reality in a powerful and aligned way…

  1. Healing the Human
  2. Aligning with the Soul
  3. Creating with Sovereignty + Power

All of our sessions will be recorded and easily accessible from your membership hub as a video or audio recording.

You can take in the lessons as frequently as you would like, and show up to the practicals for real-time mentorship. 

This is not woo-woo. 

It’s not something that just worked for me. 

I will be teaching you a formula rooted in the science of manifestation in combination with my 20+ years of experience as an expert in relational and emotional intelligence. 

Are you ready to become a Sovereign Creator?

We begin on October 1st.

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